

Bintan Industrial Estate is an excellent choice for businesses that require large land parcels. For companies that prefer to build their own facilities from the ground up, the estate has prepared land parcels and all necessary utility services to help tenants optimise their time and cost investment.

Ready Built


Bintan Industrial Estate offers a collection of ready-built factories in pristine move-in condition. With three factory types, all of high quality building specifications, companies have the freedom to choose one that best meets their business needs.

All are designed for fast start-up with minimal fitting-out and low upfront capital requirements.


Bintan Industrial Estate offers efficient sea freight services with a dedicated customs office. This is located at its own onsite container seaport, which has been recognised with international port-of-call status.

Safeguarding people and property is Bintan Industrial Estate’s topmost priority. Its professional security team delivers peace of mind by patrolling the premises around the clock so that everything that is important to its tenants – from their facilities, assets and inventory to their employees – is well protected.

PT Tunaskarya Indoswasta, a manpower recruitment company located at Bintan Industrial Estate, helps companies tap into Indonesia’s vast population to secure skilled and trained workers in a cost-competitive manner.

Doing business in Bintan is a simple process with Bintan Industrial Estate’s team of consultants ready to advise and assist companies on start-up matters including business licence and permit applications.

With an exclusive passenger ferry terminal located onsite, Bintan Industrial Estate supports its tenants with speedy immigration clearance as well as work permit and multi-business visa applications.