Bintan sits at the crossroads of the future. With Singapore just an hour away, the island offers an unrivalled cost-competitive advantage for companies to plug into global markets.
This powerful value proposition is bolstered by Bintan’s complete work, live and play culture. The island, a popular leisure destination for visitors near and far, has a pro-business attitude that makes it an ideal and idyllic location to work and play. This is where lifestyle opportunities and business possibilities are blended and balanced, where success is served to those with foresight.
Size : 1,030 km2
Population : 300,000
Languages : Bahasa Indonesia, English
Climate : Tropical and humid, 24-31 degrees Celsius
Time Zone : GMT + 7:00, 1 hour behind Singapore
Distance :
50 km, 60 minutes by ferry from Singapore to Lobam (Bintan Industrial Estate)
45 km, 55 minutes by ferry from Singapore to Lagoi (Bintan International Resorts)
13 km, 25 minutes from Batam to Lobam (Bintan Industrial Estate)
Sea Connectivity
Over 10 ferry trips to/from Singapore to Bintan Island each day
Air Connectivity
Bintan’s strong economic promise stems from its favourable business environment, close connectivity to Singapore and the country’s financial network and excellent infrastructure, as well as its abundant workforce and labour cost advantage. Here, every investment dollar has the potential to deliver greater business mileage and sustainable long-term returns for the savvy investor.
For more information about Bintan Industrial Estate and investing in Bintan, please contact us at :
3 HarbourFront Place
#16-01 HarbourFront Tower Two Singapore 099254
Tel +65 6389 3535
Fax +65 6396 7758
Wisma Bintan Industrial Estate
Jalan Tanjung Lobam
Lobam PO Box 020,
Bintan 29154
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